Physical action against my thoughts and involuntary muscle control.

03.11.2017 09:51
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Hello Guys,

Think anything that entity don't like, take mental control of any subject I am thinking about or doing with (imaginations usually) away from me. Or worse, if that happens I feel heavy block then cannot continue then have to drop it will lift this control. Not with these during walking, eating, normal life, playing with computers, helping people and social life are all fine. Sometimes entity loved to break my newborn memories leaving me frustrated and wait for that action of thought to drift back in and remember again. Poking my mind breaking up the stillness I'm trying for, feels like mental flinch with bit of brain shock feeling. Advertisements Examples includes various creative visual elements which attract consumers with more effectiveness than a newspaper advertising. Imagine someone clap hands near you and not get jumped but the your mind goes flinch! Holding stones I can feel someone else touching and interfered with my sensing these stones though my hands. Entity talks incessantly about what I am doing. And impression of this entity action in motion. Even telling me to throw stuff out and anything entity dislikes. I no longer listened to this pleas and listening to entity telling undesirable things but this is frustrating.



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