Kettle keeps switching itself on

03.11.2017 09:53
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Hello Guys,

Since I have been doing this I ask and invision a bubble around me and my loved ones, animals too, for protection against anything negative and harmful. My home is a becon of light or a trainstation for many spirits that walk in and out. I have never encountered nor do I wish to encounter a negative entity in my home. Each time I work with the otherside I always ask for healing light, guided by angels, archangels and guides for channel messages that are for my clients or my highest good. Motion Graphics Examples make your videos more exciting, after all, who doesn’t love watching exciting illusions of motion and creativity to your projects. Here is my thing though, I have a spirit in my home that keep turning on lights or flickering them, I am okay with this as I do acknowedge him when it happens, however, what keeps me concerned or steers my attention towards is my kettle. It keeps switching itself on, it will ting occasionally during the day without it being on as well. At times when I turn it on it will swtch itself off seconds later. At first I thought I had a faulty kettle, so I bought a new one. The new kettle is now doing the exact samething and it too is switching itself on. I have to make sure that I keep water in it just incase it turns on and burns the element out. I dont want a house on fire.



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