Possible guardian angel?

09.11.2017 08:01 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 09.11.2017 08:01)
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Hello Guys,

I am a quite sceptical person. Don't get the wrong Idea, I believe to a degree in the supernatural (God, etc) but things that sound too good to be true (like guardian angels) I find hard to believe. However, I'm kind of backed in a corner now after going through a series of events of which most include strange coincidences and dreams, of which multiple ''psychic'' dream types. Yes, throughout my life I really seem to have had psychic dreams that indeed seemed to predict and warn me about upcomming events which include but are not limited to: making up with my best friend after a conflict, my mother dying, visiting old friends, and more. Example of Advertisement includes various creative visual elements which attract consumers with more effectiveness than a newspaper advertising. I never gave them much thought and rejected them all as weird unexplained coincidences until a while ago when I had an extremely vivid dream about an unknown dark-haired girl, young and beautiful about 14 to 16 yeard old in appearance that all of a sudden hijacked my dream and began to smooch me on the lips in my bedroom. No verbal communication took place, even though I was very confused and had a feeling that it wasn't a common dream at all. I never met her before in my daily life, yet the way she looked at me seemed as if she knew who I was and accepted who I am without judging me.



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