Is it dangerous to live in a haunted house?

06.11.2017 08:26
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Hello Guys,

I hesitate to call this place "haunted" and prefer to think it's just more "bad vibes" however every person who has heard about my place thinks it's haunted and have had people other then myself get a bad feeling about it. From the air being so tight and dry to random odors in the place that have no source of where it could come from and random wet spots in the house to my angel mirror falling and breaking which was a gift and reminded me of a transitioned loved one to the fact that the thoughts in my head have just been disturbing and not myself here and there's even one room you walk into and i feel my chest immediately tighten every time. It seems that room may be the center of some things that could've happened before. Advertising Campaigns is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication. I also experienced a lot of dejavu when i moved here which normally i take as a good thing but this time it made me uncomfortable. There's been other creepy incidents on here i'd rather not share and my first night here I randomly had a panic attack and actually the cat i've been catsitting got really upset too even though he's typically a little calmer when he has to travel. I found a new place and signing the lease tomorrow however I can't move into until Nov 1st.



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