A spirit stopped my hearbreak

06.11.2017 14:25
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Hello Guys,

My house is haunted. I see figures, hear shuffling foot steps, children playing, smell perfumes etc the activity has become more apparent with taps turning on full blast and lights coming on. In the last 3 weeks I actually noticed it'd stopped and it felt different in the house. I spoke out loud that the 'they' had gone. Apparently it does the opposite. So whilst baking i 'lost' a big, heavy packet of flour. I had been baking the day before, put it back in the cupboard where all my baking things are kept. I looked through every cupboard in the kitchen ....even the fridge! I was so frustrated I said out loud are you playing a game with me , I want it back. Examples Of Advertisements includes various creative visual elements which attract consumers with more effectiveness advertising method. I turned around and the packet of flour was in the middle of the table!!! it frightened me so much I ran out of the house! After seeking spiritual advice I felt better and went back to the house and thanked the spirit but also asked not to scare me again. That night I had the most vivid dream. I was back in a relationship with my ex and he was texting me but I didn't want to reply...it felt wrong and the dream vividly reminded me of how uncomfortable I felt messaging my own boyfriend and how I was always on eggshells with him. ....probably knowing deep down he was cheating.



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