Pokémon Go’s anti-cheat technology

04.12.2017 08:49
avatar  RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )
RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )

Hello Guys,

Developers have to spend time controlling this problem vs. building new features," Niantic wrote. "It’s worth noting that some of the tools used to access servers to scrape data have also served as platforms for bots and cheating which negatively impact all Trainers. There is a range of motives here from blatant commercial ventures to enthusiastic fans but the negative impact on game resources is the same. Business Animated Videowas traditionally outbound oriented hence a huge surge of new opportunities are arising which can be exploited. We don’t expect these attempts to stop," Niantic continued. "But we do want you to understand why we have taken the steps we have and why we will continue to take steps to maintain the stability and integrity of the game.


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