Two near death experiences, and what happened during them.

01.11.2017 14:03
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Hello Guys,

The Christmas before last, 2015, on the 23rd and 24th of December. All winter I was suffering with a terrible cough, my sister had whooping cough at the same time and it was very similar but without the Noise from the intake of air. I work retail and it was Christmas so I soldiered through, but suffered severe back pain, pressure headaches and actually cracked a rib from the coughing. Those nights I had taken strong painkillers and both evenings I totally blacked out. I saw a doctor after Christmas and he told me the painkillers were reacting with my asthma and I was pretty lucky to be alive. Famous Advertisements includes various creative visual elements which attract consumers with more effectiveness than a newspaper advertising. But the truth is, there was nothing, not even blackness. Time just stopped and I wasn't even aware I'd been out for a few minutes. The second time I heard serene music when I was coming to, but a few days later I heard the same music from a video game I was playing at the time of the episode, so it was obviously in the room.



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