Non-NGE fanfiction ideas

11.04.2018 14:22
avatar  aaronpawlak ( gelöscht )
aaronpawlak ( gelöscht )


This Pokemon story starts thousands of years in the past. Long ago, it is said, there was a Pokemon that wished to be as powerful as Arceus itself. So it went to Jirachi, the wish- granting Pokemon, to see if it could make its wish come true. But Jirachi refused to grant such a blasphemous request, and instead transformed the Pokemon into a creature with no physical form that existed in the void between dimensions--MissingNo.
Fast forward thousands of years later. In New York City, in a world where Pokemon is only a fictional franchise, six children discover a dimensional gateway into the Pokemon world created by MissingNo. After going through, they become the first Pokemon Trainers from "our" world. They take it upon themselves to stop MissingNo--and various "regular" Pokemon-- from causing trouble in their own world.

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