Game that you didn't know of until today?

23.11.2017 07:55 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.11.2017 07:56)
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Hello Guys,

Sometimes it is quite easy to miss a detail or two on how some of the game's mechanics works, which makes you surprised when you find out. So did you learn anything new about the game today? This thread could also serve as a sort of help for fellow players, as we can see which features are commonly missed by players for a long time. Video Animation For Business when compared to other types of advertisements, markets and promotes services and products in a more economical way. One thing I didn't know until a few hours ago, for example, is that feeding a defender Berries has a small chance to give you a Candy for that species. Quite a nice bonus but also too minor; not sure if it is worth putitng defenders you want Candy for just because of that, over a defender that's actually better at doing its job.



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