Which fandoms do you write for?

24.04.2018 14:04
avatar  larrywalker ( gelöscht )
larrywalker ( gelöscht )

Hello all,

I love writing and reading fics. However, I tend to write fics in only specific fandoms. While I enjoy and read fics from other fandoms, I'll stick to only one or two when it comes to writing.
For example, I love Veronica Mars, Alias, Lost, and Harry Potter. I have read almost all the Veronica Mars fics I could get my hands on, I read Harry Potter and Alias fics from time to time, and I read and write Lost fics. I don't write Veronica Mars fics because I don't have any plot bunnies that won't get out of my head. And I don't write Alias and Harry Potter because I feel the fandom is too big for a itty bitty tiny person like me. I get scared I'll be eaten alive

So do you all write in the fandoms you have interest in or do you just stick to a select few?

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

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