Fakemon server assistance?

01.12.2017 15:23
avatar  RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )
RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )

Hello Guys,

I was wondering if there's any sort of video tutorials out there for editing the .js files contained within the client/server dumps of Showdown? I'm part of the dev team of a yet-to-be-announced Pokemon fangame, and I've been trying my best to create a small, private Showdown server for me and the rest of the team. I've succeeded with the server part, which is fine enough, but we want to add some of our Fakemon to the thing as well... that part isn't going so well. I have some know-how on this, but it's not concrete, only bits and pieces. I found the tutorial on the github hosting the Showdown server stuff not very helpful in this regard. Animated Commercial Product Video can be marketed through video to create a lasting and powerful impact in the market. It seems i'm getting somewhere, as the Fakemon I've programmed in do correctly show up in chat when typing stuff like '/data and /learn', even correctly displaying what moves they can and can't learn. No luck getting them to show up in the teambuilder, though. And directly putting them on my team through importing and starting a battle makes them a jumbled mess of stats with incorrect typing. I'm kinda stumped.



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