Additional Poke Edges Brainstorm

29.11.2017 13:07
avatar  RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )
RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )

Hello Guys,

Looking through the list of Poke Edges, there really isn't a lot to choose from when spending your Tutor Points. I was plotting out my Pokemon for when they're at higher levels because, why not, and I've noticed that my Pokemon generally have like a dozen points and nothing to spend it on except Skill Improvements, even after Tutor Moves and Ability Mastery. I figured, there might be some additional Poke Edges the game could have, so the purpose of this topic is to brainstorm possible ideas, write them out so they're balanced, etc. Animated Brand Video are being used by leading and startup companies to reach to their audience and market themselves. A Poke Edge that increases the Move Limit by +1. Probably would cost 3 Tutor Points. Would be in addition to the Mentor's Guidance feature. Alternatively, could cause an existing Move to not count towards the Move Limit instead of increasing the limit.



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