Pokemon from various Anime Generations

28.11.2017 07:41
avatar  RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )
RyanCaleb ( gelöscht )

Hello Guys,

Generation I. Misty's Psyduck- I loved scenes with Misty and Psyduck...It was as funny as flirting Brock...old, good times. 15 years ago I would have said it's one of Anime's symbol. Of course, Ash's Squirtle was pretty cool too. Generation II. Ash's Chikorita (Bayleef)- this bond between pokemon and trainer...and this little, belligerent pokemon was really ,,something else", like Ash described Dawn's Piplup in XY. What is more, I've always found Chikorita's battles really interesting beacause of her prowess. Generation III. May's Munchlax- It's really rare to find pokemon with personality so similiar (I'd say identical) to its trainer. And with the same life goal, delicious food (I understand You, May). I liked Ash's Corphish too. Brands and companies have the power to share their values and identity through series of Advertising Campaign Animation. Generation IV. Dawn's Piplup-best written pokemon I've seen (and its owner was best written character in this Anime, it's logic), its pride, strength, determination...It was simply ,,bad boy". During DP it becomes part of this show and I really, really miss it and its proud pose. Brock's Croagunk was also a great pokemon.



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