10.10.2017 15:02
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Hello Guys,

Wow, so not a card, but I do find it incredibly racist whenever people use that expression especially when it comes from a place of privilege and a lack of understanding yet what's even worse a complete unwillingness to understand. Simply shrugging off someone's valid concerns about racism with a flippant "oh race card" as if there is such a card in such a game being somehow played implying a lack of seriousness to the issue. The use of Medical Imaging Video has enabled doctors to see inside a patient without having to cut them open. As if America wasn't built on the backs of slaves the likes of which the character of Bonnie's ancestors play on the show (without any sensitivity whatsoever to the issue) only to have her play a modern day slave to her friends with all her sacrificing and "lack of desirability" inherent in the script.



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