Error in Editing profile

01.11.2017 07:04
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I have put the mootols.js to be the first system plugin that is loaded
any suggetions ?

I have aplied as recomended here this fix to the behaviour.php file
JHTML::script('mootools.js', 'plugins/system/mtupgrade/', false);

still no tabs no kbb toolbar

- also I found this trough bugzilla

Hash.Cookie is not a constructor
[Break on this error] var KunenaTabs=new Class({Implements:[...s.getProperty("rel"),false);}});});});

default-min.js (line 1)

i tryed with 3 different templates including the default joomla it allways have this error

any idea?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


Hand Drawn animation


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